Poetsonality Disorder.
As I sit on
my chair with a poem to write,
I invoke
inspiration to visit my words,
I'm aware
that my poems are mostly absurd,
So I beg
for a gift so my wrongs become right.
It's so
easy for cliché to dirty the lines,
Or to
savage a sentence so metre can breath,
I don't
want to be shamed by the words that I leave,
Or for
words to exploit me 'cause nothing else
Bollocks this poetry shit isn't
I can just dribble it out in my
Sometimes I grant you that rhyming
is difficult,
Following rules just like prosody
Perhaps now
is the time for the truth, I'll come clean,
There is
more than one person that lives in my head,
He's a dick
but I should introduce you to Fred,
I have been
diagnosed, and I have Schizophren-
-ia. What I
would give to make him go away,
He is always
there lurking, he waits out of site,
I know Fred
will turn up just as soon as I write,
He's a
poetry vandal who ruins my day.
Hush now you're boring, just call me
Your Majesty,
I am the one with a talent for
I am the King of this crap you call
Blake wrote some shit but your poems
are worse.
I suppose
it is true, I might not be the best,
Do you
truly take pleasure in pointing it out?
When you
know that I suffer with waves of self-doubt.
You're a
ruinous breath, you're a poisonous pest.
All I ask
is the chance to just finish a page,
Fred turning up and disrupting my flow,
I can start
with a concept in mind but I know,
He will pop
up and soil it with eloquent rage.
Eloquent? That is a word that you
shouldn't use,
That is an insult although it is
Better you work in a field that you
can't abuse,
Never forget I am better than you.
You abuse
me and mock me, you piss on my flames,
You impede
my expression with violence of speech,
You indulge
in disruption with nothing to teach,
You besmirch
me in public with terrible names.
All I ask
is you leave me to scribble in peace,
You bring
tears to my eyes with frustration and grief,
I am
nothing to you like a dead Autumn leaf,
Yes I may
be a sheep but you've hacked off my fleece.
Finally feels like you're writing
with empathy,
Poems are best when emotions run
Harness those feelings let words
become energy,
I don't need you but I think you
need me.