Saturday, 27 June 2015

Brother Binky's poem about butter


Is butter good, or butter bad?
And what's the best I ever had?
A full fat block that's full of salt?
But then we're told that salt's at fault.
                                                   Unsalted butter looks the same,
But is this butter free from blame?
It still has fat and that's bad too,
Good fat, bad fat, I wish I knew,
Which one was best and safe to use,
Is margarine the better news?
I heard a fact regarding that,
Twas made for getting turkeys fat.
It's just like plastic, dead and cold,
Won't interest fly's and won't grow mould.
Dear butter God I'm on my knees,
Until you speak I'll just use cheese.,

1 comment:

  1. So use your cheese, it's so versatile
    try to cut out butter, for a while
    but you'll have trouble with cheap bread
    and find that cheese is hard to spread
